Beauville, Lot-et-Garonne (47) is between Toulouse and Bordeaux in south west France. The nearest city is Agen, a 20 minutes drive to the south west. Cahors lies 45 minutes to the east and the historic town of Moissac is 30 minutes away to the south-east.

Beauville has a population of 575. It supports a lively, predominantly agricultural, community and has all necessary services including a doctor, pharmacy, local supermarket, post office, tourist office, bank, café, restaurant and boulangerie.


Air. The nearest international airports are at Toulouse and Bordeaux. Both run shuttle buses to their respective train stations. From here there are direct trains to Agen.   Upon demand pupils arriving by air can be met by staff at Toulouse airport and transferred to Beauville for a small additional fee (30€).  Transfers must be requested and arranged in advance.

Train. Agen has a major SNCF train station with direct trains from most major French cities including  Paris (4hrs), Toulouse (1hr) and Bordeaux (1.5 hrs).    Students arriving by train at Agen station can be met by staff and transferred to Beauville for a small additional fee (15€).  Transfers must be requested and arranged in advance.

Car. Beauville is 25 minutes off the A62 (Junction 9 if coming from Toulouse/Junction 7 from Bordeaux).



The camp takes place at the Centre International de Valbonne (known locally as CIV), a large campus in a forest setting. It is just a few kilometres from Antibes, Mougins and Cannes and easily accessible from Nice.

After the first day students should arrive for rehearsals at 9.30, though may be dropped off from 08.30 onwards.  Day students should be collected from the entrance barrier at 18.30 each evening, 18.00 for the Toussaint (October half term) course.


Car. From the autoroute follow signs for Sophia Antipolis, then Les Bouillides  direction le Haut Sartoux.  Keep following signs for Accès 7.  Once you have taken Accès 7, keep in the right hand lane and turn right onto Place Belmond beyond which is the entrance barrier to the CIV.  Summer school staff will be present at the barrier on the first morning to sign in your child.

Address. Centre International de Valbonne, 190, Rue Frédéric Mistral, 06902, Sophia Antipolis, France

Air. Nice International Airport is about 20 kms away.

Train. The nearest SNCF train station is Antibes.



Jugendhaus, 91332 Heiligenstadt, Germany. Transfers available from Nuremburg Airport (40 minutes) and Forchheim Station.   
Transport vom flughafen Nürnberg (40 Minuten) und vom Bahnhof Forchheim auf Anfrage möglich.
More about Jugendhaus Die Vorstellungen finden im Veranstaltungssaal der KUFA, Ohmstraße 3, 96050 Bamberg.  Die Schüler sind von dort am Ende abzuholen, NICHT von Heiligenstadt.  Mehr über Burg Feuerstein finden Sie unter Jugendhaus Leinleiteral


Air. Nuremburg Airport (40 minutes)

Train. Bamberg Station.